
Pedagogical Contributions

Parker, J.D. 2017. “Rediscovering the “higher” in higher education with a Wikipedia writing assignment” Invited guest blogger.

Parker, J. D. 2011. Using Google Earth to Teach the Magnitude of Deep Time. Journal of College Science Teaching 40(5):23-27.

          (Editor's Choice, A destination in time. 2011 Science. 332, p. 1360.)

Parker, J. D. 2009. Going to the Zoo! The Centre for Bioscience Bulletin, Published by the HEA, Spring 2009, 26:12

Parker, J. D., R.E. Ziemba, S. Helms Cahan, and S.W. Rissing 2004. A hypothesis driven molecular phylogenetics exercise for college biology students. Biomedical and Molecular Biology Education 32:108-114.